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Robin Annual vol 2
DC Comics
Robin Annual vol 2
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1992
numeri rilasciati: 1-7
numeri catalogati: 7
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: one-shot
Supplemento annuale legato alla testata "Robin v2"
1 Sep 1992
The Anarky UltimatumAlan Grant / John Wagner / Tom Lyle / Scott Hanna / Adrienne Roy inedito
2 Aug 1993
Looking SharpChuck Dixon / Kieron Dwyer / Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez / Carlos Pedrazzini / Frank McLaughlin / Adrienne Roy inedito
3 Sep 1994
The Narrow PathChuck Dixon / Enrique Villagran / Phil Allen inedito
4 Jun 1995
The Flying GraysonsChuck Dixon / Jason Armstrong / Robert Campanella / Phil Allen inedito
5 Jun 1996
The Iron SkyChuck Dixon / Stewart Johnson / Rob Leigh / Roberta Tewes inedito
6 Aug 1997
The Law West of GothamChuck Dixon / Eduardo Barreto / Lee Loughridge inedito
7 Dec 2007
The Great PumpkinKeith Champagne / Derec Aucoin / Derec Aucoin / Derec Aucoin Batman Presenta # 17 (Planeta DeAgostini)
The Festival of the Hungry GhostsKeith Champagne / Jason Pearson / Jason Pearson / Guy Major Batman # 16 (Planeta DeAgostini)