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More Fun Comics
DC Comics
More Fun Comics
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1936
numeri rilasciati: 9-119
numeri catalogati: 12
formato: magazine
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie contenitore DC che prosegue la numerazione della serie More Fun (n. 7 & 8) e della serie New Fun (n. dall' 1 al 6)
52 Feb 1940
(untitled)Jerry Siegel / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
(untitled)Fred Schwab / Fred Schwab inedito
(untitled)Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
(untitled)Alan Sulman / Joseph Sulman / Joseph Sulman inedito
(untitled)Jerry Siegel / Martin Wheeler / Martin Wheeler inedito
(untitled)Bob Hirsch / Rusty Lehman / Rusty Lehman inedito
(untitled)George Papp / George Papp / George Papp inedito
(untitled)Paul J. Lauretta / Paul J. Lauretta inedito
The Studio MysteryJoe Donohoe / Joe Donohoe / Joe Donohoe inedito
(untitled)Jack Lehti / Jack Lehti inedito
(untitled)Bart Tumey / Bart Tumey inedito
55 May 1940
ZorJerry Siegel / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
(untitled)George Papp / George Papp inedito
(untitled)Alan Sulman / Joseph Sulman / Joseph Sulman inedito
(untitled)Bob Hirsch / Rusty Lehman / Rusty Lehman inedito
The Menace of WotanGardner Fox / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
(untitled)Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(untitled) inedito
(untitled)Jerry Siegel / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
Death Stalks the CampusJoe Donohoe / Joe Donohoe / Joe Donohoe inedito
(untitled)Jack Lehti / Jack Lehti inedito
(untitled)Bart Tumey / Bart Tumey inedito
56 Jun 1940
Terror at Lytell'sJerry Siegel / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Tale of a ShirtAlan Sulman / Joseph Sulman / Joseph Sulman inedito
The Society of Assassins Part 4Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
Fur ChiselersJerry Siegel / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
Transfer to Newport NewsBob Hirsch / Rusty Lehman / Rusty Lehman inedito
The Search for Africa's Ancient RuinsWhitney Ellsworth / George Papp / George Papp inedito
The Jade HatchetJoe Donohoe / Joe Donohoe / Joe Donohoe inedito
The Horse ThievesJack Lehti / Jack Lehti / Jack Lehti inedito
The Search for WotanGardner Fox / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman
73 Nov 1941
Mr. WhoGardner Fox / Howard Sherman inedito
Case of the Namesake MurdersMort Weisinger / George Papp inedito
Murder Takes the SpotlightChad Grothkopf inedito
The Black KnightMort Weisinger / Ed Moore inedito
Secret Mission in HondurasGeorge Papp inedito
The Vanishing MenacesJerry Siegel / Bernard Baily inedito
The Submarine StrikesMort Weisinger / Paul Norris Le Grandi Storie Deluxe # 4 (Rw Lion)
89 Mar 1943
The Birth of the Battling BowmenJoe Samachson / Cliff Young inedito
untitledHenry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Untitled inedito
The Case of the Crystal CrimesJoe Samachson / Howard Sherman inedito
UntitledHenry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
The Streamlined Buccaneers!Joseph Greene / Louis Cazeneuve Le Grandi Storie Deluxe # 4 (Rw Lion)
Prescription for PlunderDonald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin inedito
The Underworld Goes OverweightGardner Fox / Bernard Baily inedito
101 Jan 1945
Formula for DoomJoe Samachson / Maurice del Bourgo / Maurice del Bourgo inedito
Orphans of the Sea!Joe Samachson / Louis Cazeneuve / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Origin of SuperboyJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster inedito
An Investment in Happiness!Donald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin / Mort Meskin inedito
The Unsafe Safe!Gardner Fox / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
102 Mar 1945
The Unattainable Princess!Joe Samachson / Maurice del Bourgo / Maurice del Bourgo inedito
The Cruise of the Jolly Roger!Donald Clough Cameron / Joe Shuster / Ira Yarbrough inedito
The Bird-and-Bee Bandits!Donald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin / Mort Meskin inedito
A Riddle in Baffling Black!Whitney Ellsworth / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Silent Sounds!Joe Samachson / Louis Cazeneuve / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
103 May 1945
A Return PerformanceJoe Samachson / Maurice del Bourgo / Maurice del Bourgo inedito
A Modern Cave Man!Donald Clough Cameron / Joe Shuster / Marvin Stein inedito
Reflected Glory!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Mort Meskin inedito
Crooked Currency!Whitney Ellsworth / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
The Professor Goes to School!Joe Samachson / Louis Cazeneuve / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
104 Jul 1945
Merchant of Menace!Joe Samachson / Maurice del Bourgo / Maurice del Bourgo inedito
Good Hunting!Donald Clough Cameron / Joe Shuster / John Sikela inedito
The Missing Musicians!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Mort Meskin inedito
Railroad Roundup!Whitney Ellsworth / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
The Great Goldfish Bowl!Joe Samachson / Louis Cazeneuve / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
105 Sep 1945
The Miracle of the Mistaken Miser!Joe Samachson / Maurice del Bourgo inedito
The Million-Dollar Marbles Tournament!Donald Clough Cameron / Joe Shuster / Marvin Stein inedito
Hearse for Hoodlums!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
Figures Don't Lie!Whitney Ellsworth / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Be-Kind-to-Whales Week!Joe Samachson / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
106 Dec 1945
Consultant in Crime!Joe Samachson / Maurice del Bourgo inedito
Crimes on Delivery!Donald Clough Cameron / Marvin Stein inedito
Look Out Below!Whitney Ellsworth / Henry Boltinoff inedito
The Outlaw's Outing!Donald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin inedito
The Liar Who Told the Truth!Joe Samachson / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
107 Feb 1946
Million + Murder = Zero!Joe Samachson / Maurice del Bourgo inedito
A Menagerie of Misdoers!Whitney Ellsworth / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Vacation with Double Pay!Donald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin inedito
Ordeal on Wheels!Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / John Sikela inedito
Blackie, Come Home!Joe Samachson / Louis Cazeneuve inedito