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Dark Nights: Death Metal The Multiverse Who Laughs
DC Comics
Dark Nights: Death Metal The Multiverse Who Laughs
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 2021
numeri rilasciati: 1-1
numeri catalogati: 1
formato: comic-book, 17X26
nazione: USA
tipologia: one-shot
Tie-in all'evento Dark Nights: Death Metal.
1 Jan 2021
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark MultiverseScott Snyder / James Tynion IV / Joshua Williamson / Juan Gedeon / Mike Spicer Batman: Death Metal Mixtape # 2 (Panini Comics)
Feeding the BeastPatton Oswalt / Sanford Greene / David Baron Batman: Death Metal Mixtape # 2 (Panini Comics)
The Super-Threats!Amanda Conner / Jimmy Palmiotti / Chad Hardin / Enrica Angiolini Batman: Death Metal Mixtape # 2 (Panini Comics)
Hard TraveledSaladin Ahmed / Scot Eaton / Norm Rapmund / Hi-Fi Colour Design Batman: Death Metal Mixtape # 2 (Panini Comics)
The Fear IndexBrandon Thomas / Tom Mandrake / Sian Mandrake Batman: Death Metal Mixtape # 2 (Panini Comics)